New Address Notification
222 Beechwood Ave., Ottawa, ON K1L 8A7
To the Consulting Paediatric Clinic website for Dr Anne Gillies, MD FRCP(C) in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Generalist Consulting Paediatrician
Dr. Gillies sees patients on referral from family doctors about a range of issues, including biophysical health concerns, developmental concerns and mental health, behavioural and academic school concerns. She has a special interest in mental health and works out of a private office and is also a member of a multidisciplinary mental health team delivering outpatient mental health services at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario.
Initial appointments are made by a referring physician and follow-up appointments are scheduled as needed by Dr. Gillies after the initial appointment.
Please see the Referrals page for more information for new patients and families.
Service is provided in English and French. Les services sont disponible en anglais et en Francais.
This site is under development and new content will be added regularly. Le contenu Francais de ce site est en cours de developpement.