Useful Links
Child, Youth & Family Crisis Line for Eastern Ontario
1 877 377-7775 or (613) 260-2360
If you are 18 and under (or a parent or adult concerned about a young person), you can call the Crisis Line 24/7 and obtain immediate crisis counselling on the phone. They can provide you with information about community resources and service providers in your community. Services include: direct referral to child and adolescent service providers, a home visit by the Mobile Crisis Team (in Ottawa only), short-term follow-up and/or a stabilization program for up to 5 days.
Parents' Lifeline of Eastern Ontario
(613) 321-3211
It is extremely challenging when your child is experiencing mental health issues and can be very emotionally painful. Frequently, families report not knowing where to turn, feeling alone in responding to what is happening both to their child and to their family. PLEO’s family support meetings allow parents to share experiences and learning and help guide families new to this situation, providing them with information and support. The calendar of activities can be found on their website.
Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS)
Collaborative problem solving can help reduce conflict between parents and youth and enhance communication. CPS is based on the premise that children and youth will do well if they can. When they don’t do well, it is often due to lagging skills. The CPS approach allows parents to enhance their relationship with their child, while promoting skill development and being able to set expectations for their child’s behaviour. This approach, first described in Dr Ross Greene’s book The Explosive Child, is now used by school boards, children mental health programs and families all over the world.
CHEO YouthNet/Reseau Ado CHEO
(613) 738-3915
Youth ages 13-20 can self-refer to this bilingual regional mental health promotion and intervention program run for youth, by youth. YouthNet/Reseau Ado’s objective is to help youth develop and maintain good mental health, healthy coping strategies for dealing with stress and to decrease stigma about mental illness and its treatment, through activities, education and intervention.
Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa-Carleton
(613) 562-3004
Youth aged 12-18 and their families can receive support for issues including family conflict, relationships, anxiety, depression, violence, sexual orientation, loss and bereavement. Both one-one counselling for youth and family sessions are available.